Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)

La Muta

Homage to Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (the Sirena)


"I am everything because I'm only current of life lacking in accidents... I am immortal because all the dead men meet in me, and in me assembled they become again life, not anymore individual and defined, but frantic and therefore free."

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and MotoMimetico.

One history and a choreographic search. Work in progress, a platform opened to contamination, that has carried us to an aquatic reading of the space that stretches itself towards a different anthropology of the movement. The novel of Tomasi di Lampedusa "the Sirena " represents the pretext of the job that has carried us to inquire the water, the myth, the immortality.
The result is a plan that continuously moves the interest from the final result to the need to explore new possibility of relation with the topics and the languages that we use. In this dimension, with indefinite contours, where one lets opened the door to the suggestion, we fouond ourselves, three people, to improvise on the same trace of job with three different and complementary instruments: video, dance, music.


Duration 45 minutes


Sound ambient and lights Tommaso Marletta, Pippo Pagano

Dance and choreography Emma Scialfa

Actor Piero Sammataro

Production MotoMimetico - Majazé - cultural warehouse




02/'01 Mercati Generali - Catania
03/'01 Festival Officine della danza Teatro Lelio - Palermo
05/'02 Candelai - Palermo
12/'02 Zo - Catania
07/'02 Festival internazionale - Polverigi
10/'02 Majazé - Catania